Monday, August 22, 2011

Ultimate Warrior week 1 training - day 5, 6 and 7

Weekly Mileage: 17.42
Friday - 0 miles rest day
Saturday - 5 hours of sanding. Lots of upper body exertion, mixed with legs and definitely cardio. I was sweating it up in that room and breathing hard from using the sander.
Sunday - 4 miles

Friday was a rest day for me after some heavy running on Thursday that left my IT Band sore. I have noticed with an increase in mileage that it is causing some issues. I definitely need to use the foam roller this week coming up to really work out the soreness and tightness.

Saturday was supposed to be my long mileage day, but instead I worked on sanding down the floor in the boys' room. This part of the project lasted about 5 hours in all. By the time I was completely down with this I was extremely exhausted and knew I would be sore. I thought about running that evening, but decided I had put my legs and body through enough and went to bed.

I awoke sometime in the early morning hours to one of the worst charlie horses ever! It was in my hamstring and I can still feel soreness there. Not a fun feeling at all...let's just say my legs were the sorest they have been in a long time...almost worse than when I ran my first 1/2 marathon...yikes.

I went to church after only eating a bagel and some cream cheese and having 2 cups of coffee and a gatorade...That was it for my morning fuel and then after church I came home and got ready for a run. I wasn't really feeling it. I drank two 12 oz glasses of water and headed out. There was a rather enjoyable breeze accompanying the heat and humidity that made it bearable, but the fact that my legs were so tired and sore made the conditions seem worse than they really were. I was supposed to run 5, but ended up only managing 4 miles mixed with a few short intervals of walking to cut down on the soreness and allow myself to push through the workout. I changed the path I was going to run and ended up running at the cemetery. It is 1 mile around and so I knew I could at least gauge myself better.

 Every time my feet struck the pavement felt like I was taking a beating and it wasn't getting better as the distance totals moved up. I was very blessed to have several water faucets to drink from along my run and get some water on my face and head to stay cool. Although I think it contributed to my wanting to stop more and give in. I will admit, my body won this round and I managed to squeak out some miles. My knee didn't feel the greatest and I am going to have to be careful with my IT band and make sure that I am stretching it out well and icing it if necessary. That is something I have not done enough of and I am finding out that without the proper care, it will flare up. I wish I didn't have this issue at all, it really makes running no fun at times. I want to be able to enjoy my run, but instead I am having to push through pain and fatigue...persistence is the key...I have got to keep moving forward and trudging along. It is getting me back in shape and my waistline is happy for it.

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