Monday, August 8, 2011

core training end of week 1 - days 6 and 7

Friday Mileage: 1.90
WTD mileage 12.10
CT mileage to date: 28.10

Saturday mileage: 0 miles/ 3 hours of cardio exercise
WTD mileage 12.10
CT mileage to date: 28.10

Sunday mileage: 4.9
WTD mileage: 17.00
CT mileage to date: 33

I didn't get the rest of my mileage in on Friday because I was tired and ran out of time. I decided that I would get enough exercise through the weekend. Saturday started off with me speaking at our leadership conference at church and then that entire afternoon and into the evening I spent sanding Alexis' room with a band sander and disk sander...My training program said to get 60 minutes of cardio/aerobic exercise...well this was about 3 1/2 hours of labor intensive sanding. I sweat like a hog in the summer due to no air conditioning being on while i was sanding and used my arms, legs and back constantly. I feel that I got a good workout. :)

Sunday rolled around and so did some much needed rain! Praise God! It rained a good hour and cooled things off considerably. By the time I ran it was 86 degrees with 42% humidity. I will trade for humidity over heat any day. It is much easier to run in jungle like conditions than in the Sahara desert baking like a thanksgiving turkey. Yes, humidity makes you sweat more, but the workout felt pretty good. It was supposed to be a relaxing distance run, but the path I took was far from relaxing. A total of 4 hills with 1 of them a significant incline. These hills were pretty much heartbreakers for me. My legs have not ran on hills in a long time and so the hills zapped a lot of juice out of me. My knees hurt afterwards. I ended just shy of the 5 miles, but wanted to cool down before getting home. I finished with 4.90 miles and the last .10 was a steep hill and my knees had already been through enough. Sometimes you have to be wise and not go beyond what you are capable of.

With my past IT band issues I decided it would be best to shut down as it was beginning to get sore. Long distances, but especially hill workouts and uneven running surfaces irritate the IT Band and I ran on both of those in this run and decided to be smart as I have a race in less than a week that I want to be able to run in. I finished in a time of 49 minutes. This included a minute or two of walking at the half way point trying to get some water, but that water faucet was capped off and no longer in service. Talk about a bummer when you are wanting to refresh with some water to return over the hills on the way back home. I still feel this was an acceptable time as it was supposed to be relaxed. :) 'Tis better to get the miles in rather than burn out too early.

So two weeks of Core training are under my belt. Up this next week, Week 6 assessment at work and 5K Sand Run in Tulsa. Gonna be a busy week and my mileage will suffer.

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