Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ultimate Warrior Week 1 - Day 2 and 3

Weekly Mileage: 8.75
Tuesday workout: 2.75 no strength training
Wednesday workout: 4.00 - strength training

This week has already started to take its toll on me. I think my body is just run down from not enough rest over the course of the last few weeks and thus I am feeling run down and tired every day. I do, however; feel alive once I am exercising. It wakes me up and pumps some energy/blood throughout my lethargic body.
Tuesday I felt like total crap. I was extremely sore from my strength training on Monday and could hardly walk around anywhere without feeling pain. It was supposed to be a rest day, but I pushed myself. I wanted to feel better and not feel run down, so I went for an almost 3 mile run through the neighborhood. I wasn't out to prove anything or get a lot of miles, just something to get my blood pumping and help me feel better.

I ended up feeling pretty good that evening and didn't regret working out...although I had a mild fever the evening before and decided I was going to feel better and not let sickness get the best of me even if I don't get a lot of rest. I am going to push forward.

Yesterday's workout consisted of strength training which I did after my cardio workout. The strength training is kicking my butt and is almost too much to do right after running....but I am still pushing forward...gotta be the Ultimate Warrior. :)  My cardio workout consisted of 40 minutes of hills or stadium. Since I don't have a stadium nearby I chose the hill work...I hopped on the treadmill and selected the hill workout and boy did it kick my butt. I was trying to run fast at first, but realized if I am going to run 40 minutes worth of hills, speed is going to drive me into quitting earlier than anticipated. The hill elevation varied between 1 at the beginning to 6 in the middle and 3/4 at the was tough. I burned well over 700 calories on this workout, but felt great later in the day.

Tomorrow's workout (technically today) is going to consist of 40-60 minutes fartlek has been a long time since I ran for 60 minutes straight..and today I am feeling really tired and run down, so I will see how this goes.

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