Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I confess, I have been unfaithful

No, not that kind of unfaithfulness, but in the electronic age, it could be considered that. :)
I found a new and easier way to log my mileage and workouts online and have been using it a lot lately. I have been using . I decided that it would be easier to just post my workouts and mileage on there, rather than write about my workouts. I got convicted of it today and decided I need to continue to write about my thoughts and workouts on here to give people an opportunity to "hear" me and understand what I have gone through. It has been an adventure and its no fun when someone is left on hold and is anxiously awaiting your next post.

I have not been running as hard or as often in the last 2 weeks due to life getting in the way and different projects that needed attention. I also would say I hit the wall a bit and needed to give my body a little more rest so that I can continue running with enjoyment and prevent injury. I will in the coming days and weeks continue to write about my running experiences. The last 2 weeks have in fact been perfect for running and thus I have enjoyed some nice runs where I didn't sweat to death or feel like death when I finished.

I have logged just under 32 miles for the month of September and thus I am still on pace to increase my overall monthly mileage from the month of August.

Until next time,

Scarecrow Runner

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day weekend

Week to date mileage: 8.96

Labor Day Weekend I didn't do a lot.
Friday was a cardio day and I did 40 minutes of cardio/cross training. 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the bike.

Saturday was a rest day and although I was resting, I still managed to pull up my carpet in the living room and sand down some spots on the floor. It made my back hurt, so I still did some exercise. HA! And then watched football. AHHHHH.

Sunday was church and the weather changed finally. From 100's+ for more than 50 days this summer to the upper 70s and lows in the 50's/60's...absolutely beautiful...I went for a 5.7 mile run on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed it as much as you can. :) I was proud of myself for not stopping and walking at all..I pushed, persevered and finished. I also took the kids to the park and let them enjoy the beautiful weather. They absolutely loved playing outside all day.

Monday was again beautiful and we were all at home because of Labor Day. The kids played outside all day and we had the windows open and let the cool, refreshing air blow through the house. The kids loved it so much, that they ate breakfast, lunch and dinner outside! They even got blankets and laid on the ground for a while to relax. How refreshing is that? I ended up running 3.26 miles. My legs were so tired, but I pushed through and finished. It's all about building the leg muscles and endurance up. :)

Here's to another great week! Before you know it, Halloween will be here.

Scarecrow Runner

Friday, September 2, 2011

15K training week 1: Day 4

Daily Mileage 2.00
Weekly Mileage 12.4
Total time: 114:00

Last night I ran a swift 2 mile run. I was going to take it easy, but my legs said otherwise. I was actually running at a pretty good pace. I guess that happens when you start getting into shape. What used to be the norm for a workout and was slow is now transformed. When I think I am going slow, I am actually going a lot faster. :)
I ended up running 2 miles in 15:12. My first mile was in 7:29. While this is far from my times in college, it is still an accomplishment for me. I would like to get my 2 mile time back down below 14 and then ultimately below 12 minutes. So here is to a good workout and many more to come....I am definitely welcoming September with cooler temperatures.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

15K training week 1: Day 3 and 4

Daily Mileage: 7.1 Weekly Mileage: 10.4Overall Time: 99:00

My workout on Wednesday consisted of some "track work". Of course I do not have a track to run on, so I simulated it on the treadmill as best as I could. It was some interval work that needed to be done for me. 4 sets of 800 meters. This is the equivalent of a 3200 meter run or 2 miles. I did a 1/2 mile warm up and a 1/4 mile warm down. In between each interval I jogged/walked a 1/4 mile or 250 meters. This brought my overall total for the day to 3 miles. I pushed myself pretty hard. The workout called for me to run it at 5k pace and lately my 5k pace has been between 8 minutes and 8:30...but my college pace was much, much faster and that is where I would like to be once again....somewhere in the upper 5 minute to lower 6 minute pace...I definitely got some work to do...

I ran the first 800 at a 7:03 pace...then the 2nd and 3rd 800 I ran at a 6:58 pace and the final 800 I pushed myself and ran at a 6:27 pace. I know running on the treadmill is not the same as running outside on the roads or track, but it definitely is a great substitute for running in the extreme looks like the heat wave is tapering for at least a few days. A cold front is supposed to push through on Saturday night and the highs for Sunday through Wednesday are in the mid 80s...much more like it! It may be perfect weather for my cross country run on the 10th...

Thursday, Sept 1st....the 1st day of September and I woke up feeling like total crap. I was extremely sleepy, fatigued and felt nauseous...not a good morning. Since I needed to go get my car tag during lunch today, I totally scrapped my plans for running and thought maybe I should just substitute my rest day on Friday for today, but no...I decided after lunch that I am still going to do my run today. It isn't a killer workout anyways. It is only a 2 mile run mixed with some strength training...I figure I will do some body weight lunges, mixed with pushups and situps and then do my strength workout on Friday...that would be a good way to workout hard to not have any running to worry about and just pump some mean iron. :) 

So here is to the month of September. I finished the month of August with 65.76 miles..looking forward to hitting close to 80 for the month of September as I push myself to train for the Tulsa Run in October. I haven't made a complete commitment to run this race yet, but that is my goal.