Friday, August 5, 2011

Core Training week 2 - day 4 and 5

Thursday Mileage: 3 miles (26 minutes)
WTD mileage: 10.20    
CT mileage to date:  26.19
Friday Mileage: 1.90
WTD mileage 12.10
CT mileage to date: 28.10

Well the last 2 days have crept up on me and I have some information to write on. I left my running undershorts at home yesterday and thus could not workout at work. I was quite bummed about this as it greatly affected my mileage for the week. I decided to run last night instead, in the blazing heat. When I left to go run at the airport last night it was 104 at 8:30pm. I got almost all the way around the airport and the heat zapped me like a bug in a bug zapper. I had gatorade with me, but obviously the heat was too much and I wasn't hydrated enough. I felt completely drained and the heat soon got to me. I had to pull up short from my run..not sure of exact mileage, but assumed I ran real close to 3 miles...wanted to run more, but couldn't. It took me all evening to get cooled down in a not so cool house. I at least got some miles in and my legs and body felt it this morning.

I got up early and drank a protein shake for breakfast and headed to work so I could do my weekly assessment for our contest. This is week 5 and there are only 6 weeks total in the contest, so I am close to finishing the contest. The winner receives $150 to Best Buy. If there is more than 1 finisher, then we have our names placed in a hat and a winner is drawn...I sure hope I win that certificate. It would make everything feel that much more worthwhile. Today I was able to complete 30 push ups, 99 curl situps and managed to eek out 1.87 miles in 12 minutes...I was weak from last night and exhausted so I ran with my hands on the bar most of the way to just get through and be more week to go and I live for another week of competition.

I need to get some extra miles in this weekend and will probably do some running in the morning to prevent the heat from shredding my hopes. Till then get to running!

Scarecrow Runner

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