Sunday during the Trail Madness 32K trail run, my ankle began to feel fatigued and I knew that my past tendon issue was trying to come alive, but didn't really cause me any real issues.

After my race, I was not experiencing any pain or discomfort that appeared in the form of an injury, but mainly was dealing with normal fatigue. Later that afternoon after resting it became evident that my ankle had suffered some form of injury due to it becoming stiff and sore to the point of not being able to walk without struggle.
This ankle injury seems to be associated to an ankle injury I suffered in November of 2012 along with numerous basketball and running injuries over the years. So I have been resting, soaking it, stretching, and doing all the things I know to do for ankle issues. It's feeling better, but I still have some challenges ahead.
The hard part is not being able to run. I enjoy it and it's therapeutic for me. I'll keep you all updated as things progress. The good news is that I can walk with very little discomfort now.
I have a feeling that this injury is just one way that my body is telling me to rest for a while and take some time off because I know my schedule later this year will ramp up once again.
Until next time keep your feet moving forward....
Scarecrow Runner